Lyric of SBAB TUHAN BAIK - Save My Lyric


Masuk gerbangNya bersyukur
Dengan penuh pujian
Bersuka di hadiratNya
Nyanyi besarkan agung namaNya

Puji Dia tiuplah sangkakala
Musik dan tarian
Semua mahluk di bumi di sorga
Dengan s'gnap hati angkat pujian

S'bab Tuhan baik
S'bab Tuhan baik
Sbab Tuhan baik
Anug'rahNya kekal selamanya
S'bab Tuhan baik
S'bab Tuhan baik
Sbab Tuhan baik
Anug'rahNya kekal selamanya

For The Lord Is Good

Verse 1:
Enter His gates with thanksgiving
Come into His courts with praise
Enter His presence rejoicing
Singing great and mighty is His name

Verse 2:
Praise Him with the sound of the trumpets
Praise Him with timbrel and harp
Let every creature in heaven and earth
Lift a song of praise sing with all their heart

For the Lord is good, for the Lord is good
For the Lord is good, and His mercy endures forever
For the Lord is good, for the Lord is good
For the Lord is good, and His mercy endures forever